John Collier Jr.: San José de Gracia
John Collier Jr.: A chapel at Llano Quemado
John Collier Jr.: A blacksmith shop
John Collier Jr.: Congregation leaving after mass
John Collier Jr.: Father Cassidy giving a sermon in Spanish
John Collier Jr.: Christmas Eve pageant
John Collier Jr.: San José de Gracia
John Collier Jr.: J. L. Lopez Orchestra at a dance
John Collier Jr.: George Mutz
John Collier Jr.: Christmas Eve
John Collier Jr.: Older Hispanic couple
John Collier Jr.: Mrs. Maclovia Lopez helping her children with their homework
John Collier Jr.: In the general store
John Collier Jr.: An ambulance which belongs to the rural medical clinic
John Collier Jr.: Father Cassidy and a parishioner
John Collier Jr.: Hispanic boy in the grade school
John Collier Jr.: Graveyard behind the church of Penitente Miranda
John Collier Jr.: Hispanic rancher
John Collier Jr.: Hispanic boy
John Collier Jr.: Next spring's pruning
John Collier Jr.: Peñasco
John Collier Jr.: Valley of Peñasco, New Mexico
John Collier Jr.: A patient at the clinic
John Collier Jr.: Hispanic woman
John Collier Jr.: Emergency transport
John Collier Jr.: Father Cassidy and parishioner
John Collier Jr.: A Hispanic rancher