John Collier Jr.: In front of the general store
John Collier Jr.: Drilling for blasting
John Collier Jr.: Mine car operations
John Collier Jr.: Rebuilding machinery
John Collier Jr.: Testing for gas with a safety lamp
John Collier Jr.: Champion no. 1 cleaning plant
John Collier Jr.: A pilot and an observer
John Collier Jr.: Personnel in the canteen
John Collier Jr.: Flyers at Civil Air Patrol base headquarters
John Collier Jr.: Civil Air Patrol base headquarters
John Collier Jr.: Pilots checking patrol
John Collier Jr.: Ground crew starting engine before dawn patrol
John Collier Jr.: A flyer at Civil Air Patrol base headquarters
John Collier Jr.: Ground crew mechanic
John Collier Jr.: Blade reamer
John Collier Jr.: Engine assembly room
John Collier Jr.: Finished propellers,
John Collier Jr.: Committee of ten solving a tactical problem of administrative government
John Collier Jr.: Committee assigned to the problem of Japanese administrative policies
John Collier Jr.: Class in German language
John Collier Jr.: Air field guard
John Collier Jr.: Engine casings
John Collier Jr.: Unfinished propeller blades
John Collier Jr.: Reduction gears
John Collier Jr.: A colonel attending the School of Military Government
John Collier Jr.: Eric "Dutch" Lammert
John Collier Jr.: Taking off for dawn patrol at 4 a.m.