johnclarkemills: looking at the wall into the library
johnclarkemills: ugly wall needs to go down
johnclarkemills: IMG_0609
johnclarkemills: teardown
johnclarkemills: teardown
johnclarkemills: IMG_0615
johnclarkemills: teardown
johnclarkemills: old dead pipes need to be removed
johnclarkemills: all opened up
johnclarkemills: deprecating wiring
johnclarkemills: IMG_0620
johnclarkemills: light coming through the parlor
johnclarkemills: finally both columns are in
johnclarkemills: building up wall
johnclarkemills: cleaning up old soffit
johnclarkemills: building soffit on the bench
johnclarkemills: IMG_0628
johnclarkemills: Figuring out what size to make the boxes
johnclarkemills: braketry to hold the screen
johnclarkemills: soffit getting painted
johnclarkemills: cutting out hole for screen
johnclarkemills: very careful consideration for alignment
johnclarkemills: blocking for mounting
johnclarkemills: IMG_0772
johnclarkemills: now bookcases wont cover the inlays
johnclarkemills: IMG_0735
johnclarkemills: IMG_0734
johnclarkemills: column boxes from behind
johnclarkemills: box ready for installation
johnclarkemills: IMG_0679