johnclarkemills: Where the bed used to be
johnclarkemills: IMG_1355
johnclarkemills: Closeup of the buzz kill colors
johnclarkemills: More dark ceiling
johnclarkemills: Dark ceiling and medallion
johnclarkemills: Lots of dark, dark colors
johnclarkemills: A view into the hallway
johnclarkemills: First coat is on
johnclarkemills: IMG_1363
johnclarkemills: That molding is so dark!
johnclarkemills: IMG_1365
johnclarkemills: Still more coats to go
johnclarkemills: Removing the tape
johnclarkemills: The end is in sight
johnclarkemills: Keylime pie
johnclarkemills: Those drapes really need to go!
johnclarkemills: Bed is in. Time for some art