DrJohnBullas: southwest trains smartcard stagecoach smart
DrJohnBullas: stagecoach smart card smartcard first use product charge load DSCN3595
DrJohnBullas: stagecoach smart card smartcard touch out DSCN3600
DrJohnBullas: smartcard reader issued to crosscountry train ticket staff DSCN3638
DrJohnBullas: ticket machine checking of smartcard load DSCN3636
DrJohnBullas: stagecoach smart card smartcard error not valid for travel DSCN3633
DrJohnBullas: south west trains day ticket reward for smartcard trial
DrJohnBullas: invalid card card not personalised DSCN3876
DrJohnBullas: successful exit DSCN3882
DrJohnBullas: card not personalised error DSCN3885
DrJohnBullas: south west trains barrier error codes DSCN3883
DrJohnBullas: crosscountry successful smartcard scan DSCN3918
DrJohnBullas: cannot read ITSO screen icon southwest trains DSCN3920
DrJohnBullas: not an ITSO card error DSCN3954
DrJohnBullas: stagecoachsmart promo poster DSCN3951