Johnathon Strube: Keep it in Merion
Johnathon Strube: Keep it in Merion
Johnathon Strube: The Gates
Johnathon Strube: Travel Buddy VI
Johnathon Strube: Approaching The Barnes
Johnathon Strube: Barnes Foundation Detail
Johnathon Strube: Barnes Foundation Detail
Johnathon Strube: Barnes Foundation Detail
Johnathon Strube: Barnes Foundation Detail
Johnathon Strube: All Enter in a Humble Manner
Johnathon Strube: Barnes Detail
Johnathon Strube: Barnes Detail
Johnathon Strube: Barnes Detail
Johnathon Strube: Barnes Foundation
Johnathon Strube: Barnes Detail
Johnathon Strube: Joined a St. Paddy's Parade
Johnathon Strube: PHI MUS of ART
Johnathon Strube: Yo Rocko I
Johnathon Strube: Yo Rocko II
Johnathon Strube: Not a Miro, but it makes me think of him ...
Johnathon Strube: Van der Weyden
Johnathon Strube: Asia in Philadelphia
Johnathon Strube: Warhol–Brillo Boxes
Johnathon Strube: Duchamp–The Large Glass
Johnathon Strube: Duchamp–Fountain
Johnathon Strube: Duchamp–Bottle Rack