johnarthurkelly: Quoth the raven, lenser-more
johnarthurkelly: Window grate at sunset
johnarthurkelly: Goodnight.
johnarthurkelly: To LGA, again
johnarthurkelly: Let's go to LGA
johnarthurkelly: Good morning to you too, Brooklyn
johnarthurkelly: Thank god for those damn window screens.
johnarthurkelly: Moon over Manhattan, and Brooklyn too...
johnarthurkelly: Sunset down 2nd Avenue
johnarthurkelly: Brooklyn Bridge
johnarthurkelly: Pacific St.
johnarthurkelly: Where am I?
johnarthurkelly: Streetlight
johnarthurkelly: Hydrogen fill station
johnarthurkelly: Streetlight
johnarthurkelly: A view from Brooklyn.
johnarthurkelly: Really cool desklamp...
johnarthurkelly: Window-wall projection
johnarthurkelly: Left behind blinds.
johnarthurkelly: Prospect Place in Brooklyn
johnarthurkelly: Ice Wine
johnarthurkelly: Hello, NYC
johnarthurkelly: Downtown Brooklyn, with Manhattan in the far distance
johnarthurkelly: Yuko, at sunset
johnarthurkelly: Sunset over Verranzano Narrows Bridge
johnarthurkelly: Fence by the the Gulf station
johnarthurkelly: Boardwalk
johnarthurkelly: Local park
johnarthurkelly: Local park
johnarthurkelly: Sunset over Verranzano Narrows Bridge