JohnMinSF: Morning Light, the Castro, San Francisco
JohnMinSF: Sunrise, Castro & 16th Streets, San Francisco
JohnMinSF: Storm breaking, early morning, home office window
JohnMinSF: Storm breaking, downtown office window, San Francisco
JohnMinSF: After the storm, Castro & 16th Streets, San Francisco
JohnMinSF: Sunset & moonrise, after the storm, San Francisco
JohnMinSF: Midday darkness (just before the downpour)
JohnMinSF: Rainbow and 16th Street, San Francisco
JohnMinSF: Sprinkles
JohnMinSF: Back Yard Sky (dawn) 2008 01 03
JohnMinSF: Wind and Rain
JohnMinSF: Deluge, Castro St (San Francisco) 2008 01 05
JohnMinSF: Drive in the rain
JohnMinSF: Here come the rains again...