John_Wright: Orpheus Fountain
John_Wright: Angel Musician with pan pipe
John_Wright: Two girls dancing
John_Wright: Orpheus Fountain female
John_Wright: Angel Musicians
John_Wright: Sunglitter
John_Wright: IMG_8102
John_Wright: Henry Shaw at bench
John_Wright: Wet Fountain Angel
John_Wright: Fountain Angel
John_Wright: The Three Graces
John_Wright: Boy with flute
John_Wright: Shower time
John_Wright: "Adam & Eve"
John_Wright: Sculpture
John_Wright: Amphitrite
John_Wright: IMG_7946
John_Wright: IMG_7944
John_Wright: IMG_7940
John_Wright: baseball boy
John_Wright: girl with baskets
John_Wright: Legos @ Downtown Disney WDW
John_Wright: Boy with sailboat