- Just John -: Female Kudu
- Just John -: Female Kudu
- Just John -: Good Morning....
- Just John -: ... just the singing of birds ...
- Just John -: I see you...
- Just John -: Impala Ram
- Just John -: cloud dancing.....
- Just John -: searching for a drink.
- Just John -: long way down
- Just John -: Male Kudu
- Just John -: Crocodile
- Just John -: Just chillin' in the shade.....
- Just John -: desperate for a drink?
- Just John -: Stuyvesant Hill
- Just John -: Stuyvesant Hill too
- Just John -: What was that....???
- Just John -: Cape Glossy Starling (Lamprotornis nitens)
- Just John -: Crimson Breasted Shrike
- Just John -: Klipspringer Family
- Just John -: Male Kudu browsing.
- Just John -: Male Waterbuck
- Just John -: Male Waterbuck
- Just John -: The Old Man
- Just John -: White Rhino
- Just John -: in the drink