John Lam: WP_20130813_17_54_24_Pro__highres.jpg
John Lam: WP_20130813_11_35_53_Pro.jpg
John Lam: WP_20130812_17_36_29_Smart.jpg
John Lam: WP_20130812_15_22_41_Pro.jpg
John Lam: WP_20130812_15_10_18_Pro.jpg
John Lam: WP_20130812_11_44_04_Pro.jpg
John Lam: WP_20130813_09_38_22_Pro.jpg
John Lam: WP_20130812_15_35_29_Pro.jpg
John Lam: WP_20130812_12_52_30_Pro.jpg
John Lam: IMG_1041.JPG
John Lam: Who's The Boss Here?
John Lam: IMG_0174.JPG
John Lam: Ben and Draganoid in the Morning
John Lam: DSC_6058.jpg
John Lam: Tourists!
John Lam: DSC_5493.jpg
John Lam: Matthew and Max
John Lam: Me and the boys near Cannery Cafe in Astoria
John Lam: Matthew and Eeyore
John Lam: Family on the beach
John Lam: K!
John Lam: Balance!
John Lam: Whoa!
John Lam: There's fish down there ...
John Lam: I like Ice Cream Cupcakes!
John Lam: Good Morning
John Lam: Love in NYC
John Lam: DSC_3044
John Lam: DSC_2994
John Lam: DSC_2942