Ifan Jones: Big Ass Van
Ifan Jones: Lots of Food
Ifan Jones: Rhys looking down the mountain
Ifan Jones: Still no leaves on the trees
Ifan Jones: A small stop
Ifan Jones: Un-sure what this is about
Ifan Jones: Old Urinal
Ifan Jones: Big Ass Onion Rings
Ifan Jones: Big Hand Taking Big Onion Ring
Ifan Jones: Tom and Josephine
Ifan Jones: Pascal and Andrew
Ifan Jones: Yummy Beer & Chili
Ifan Jones: Remains of Enormous Sandwich
Ifan Jones: Simon
Ifan Jones: Someone's Arm
Ifan Jones: Trash
Ifan Jones: Rhys
Ifan Jones: Thinking
Ifan Jones: Our Humble Abode For 2 Nights
Ifan Jones: Big Ass BBQ
Ifan Jones: Light
Ifan Jones: Duncan goes outside with everyone else
Ifan Jones: Worn
Ifan Jones: Pascal and Duncan
Ifan Jones: The Mountain Top
Ifan Jones: Bare Tree
Ifan Jones: Light
Ifan Jones: Documenting
Ifan Jones: Flowers
Ifan Jones: Julian