John Elliott Townsville: The Brains Trust check out the trees 01 2011
John Elliott Townsville: Eastern slope of the gulley post Yasi
John Elliott Townsville: Western slope post Yasi
John Elliott Townsville: Backhousia tetraptera Myrtaceae Mt Stuart Mystery Tree New bark
John Elliott Townsville: Over the cliff post Yasi
John Elliott Townsville: Mystery Tree creek and Townsville
John Elliott Townsville: Close to the edge
John Elliott Townsville: From the cliff face Cape Cleveland in the distance
John Elliott Townsville: Bush fire does not affect Mystery Trees in creek
John Elliott Townsville: New growth post Yasi
John Elliott Townsville: Eucalyptus cambageana Myrtaceae Coowarra Box 0611 03 Mt Garnet
John Elliott Townsville: Eucalyptus cambageana Myrtaceae Coowarra Box 0611 05 Mt Garnet
John Elliott Townsville: Eucalyptus cambageana Myrtaceae Coowarra Box 0611 08 Mt Garnet
John Elliott Townsville: Eucalyptus cambageana Myrtaceae Coowarra Box 0611 11 Mt Garnet