brainlove: Bike Ride #2. TO THE LIGHTHOUSE!
brainlove: Some kind of spooky militaristic sea wall compound.
brainlove: Bubble, glassed in.
brainlove: Posh, modern houses by the coast.
brainlove: Faaaack. Imagine how nice it is to wake up to this every morning.
brainlove: Contemporary church design.
brainlove: Just about to give up when I spot the lighthouse, in the distance...
brainlove: OMG! A cat! Hanging on the sea wall.
brainlove: HAI KITTY
brainlove: Biking and photoi-ing at the same time.
brainlove: Just when I'm about to drop on the ground:
brainlove: AND OMG I FOUND IT!
brainlove: Neptune woz here.
brainlove: Black sand beach.
brainlove: Nice tidal messing.
brainlove: HAI!
brainlove: bye.
brainlove: Aw.
brainlove: Trusty bike.
brainlove: ROAD VICTORY
brainlove: Special Iceland Hair.
brainlove: Taken from the bike: fish drying frame, I believe.
brainlove: Birdies, yes.
brainlove: And what's that on the farthest peninsula?
brainlove: Hi Esja.
brainlove: Yep so I rode 5km so far.
brainlove: Hobbit House.
brainlove: Slurp.
brainlove: TROPHIES. I am home. The end.