John / Arc-Images: Tupping at Coldwell Farm, Holmbridge, November 2022. Trimming a Gritstone tups feet.
John / Arc-Images: Tupping at Coldwell Farm, Holmbridge, November 2022. Whitefaced Woodland ewes.
John / Arc-Images: Tupping at Coldwell Farm, Holmbridge, November 2022.
John / Arc-Images: Tupping at Coldwell Farm, Holmbridge, November 2022.
John / Arc-Images: Tupping at Coldwell Farm, Holmbridge, November 2022. William, Clive and Joe.
John / Arc-Images: Tupping at Coldwell Farm, Holmbridge, November 2022. Applying raddle to a Lonk tup's belly.
John / Arc-Images: Annual Swaledale Ram show and sale, Hawes Auction Mart
John / Arc-Images: Show and Sale of Swaledale Rams, Day 1, Hawes Auction Mart, 26 October 2022
John / Arc-Images: Gathering sheep for tupping, Starbotton, Wharfedale
John / Arc-Images: Gathering in Dalesbred sheep and preparing for tupping, Starbotton, Wharfedale.
John / Arc-Images: Gathering in Dalesbred sheep and preparing for tupping, Starbotton, Wharfedale. The ewes are shipped off to the pastures to meet the tups.
John / Arc-Images: Richard gives extra food to the tup, in the field with his ewes, Starbotton
John / Arc-Images: Sheep are gathered in to the old sheepfold at Beck Meetings
John / Arc-Images: Tripping ewes' tails in the sheepfold ready for tupping, Birkdale
John / Arc-Images: Dalesbred Tup: 87th Annual Show and Sale of Dalesbred Rams, Bentham Auction Mart, 08-10-18
John / Arc-Images: Blue Faced Leicester ram with Swaledale ewes, Ribblesdale, North Yorkshire
John / Arc-Images: Amorous Dalesbred tup, Settle
John / Arc-Images: Skipton Auction Mart Annual Show and Sale of Dalesbred Sheep 22 October 2019: the Haygarths prepare their tups for show and sale
John / Arc-Images: Hawes Auction Mart, Annual Show & Sale of Swaledale Rams, October 2019: judging the small breeders entries
John / Arc-Images: Tupping at Coldwell Farm, Holmbridge, November 2022. Raddling a Whitefaced Woodland tup.
John / Arc-Images: Tupping at Coldwell Farm, Holmbridge, November 2022.A Derbyshire Gritstone tup heads out to meet the ewes in the fields.