John / Arc-Images:
Arkwright Town, 1993. After the closure of Arkwright Colliery in 1988, gas was found seeping into houses in the village. The village was relocated to the north of the A632, partly on the old allotments. The old village was demolished in 1995.
John / Arc-Images:
Arkwright Town, 1993. After the closure of Arkwright Colliery in 1988, gas was found seeping into houses in the village. The village was relocated to the north of the A632, partly on the old allotments. The old village was demolished in 1995.
John / Arc-Images:
Arkwright Town, 1984
John / Arc-Images:
Arkwright Town, 2000 and 2014. Site of the old village, demolished 1995. Since 1995 the tree planting has matured.
John / Arc-Images:
Arkwright Town, 1993, 2000 and 2014, showing the totally transformed landscape.
John / Arc-Images:
Arkwright Town, 1993 and 2014. View of the old school and the original pit village. All buildings are now demolished.
John / Arc-Images:
Arkwright Town, the old pit railway, 1993 and 2014. The railway is now a walking and cycling trail and the graffiti has altered.
John / Arc-Images:
Old farm, north of Arkwright Town, 1995, 2000 and 2014. The 2000 view shows the aftermath of opencasting operations. In 2014 the farm is a pile of rubble behind the hedge and the landscape has been restored to agriculture. Distant pylons can still be seen
John / Arc-Images:
Arkwright Town, 1993 and 2000. The photo shows the view from approximately the same position. the village has gone, but the tree can still be seen in the distance. The open site is now covered in maturing woodland.
John / Arc-Images:
Arkwright Town, 1993. A reminder of the old NCB.
John / Arc-Images:
Arkwright Town, 1993. The old allotments, which were removed and are now part of the site of the new village.
John / Arc-Images:
Arkwright Town, 1993. The old allotments, which were removed and are now part of the site of the new village.
John / Arc-Images:
Arkwright Town, 2000. Part of the old allotments, the photo shows the new sports field with the new village in the background.
John / Arc-Images:
Old pumping station, Arkwright Town, 1993 and 2014. One of the few structures to survive the opencasting and redevelopment.
John / Arc-Images:
The new Arkwright Town, 2000 and 2014. The landscaping has reached considerable maturity, such that the original view is no longer visible.