John(cardwellpix): the vivid Yellow of 'Canola ' ( or rapeseed as it more commonly known )
John(cardwellpix): the vivid yellow of the Rapeseed ( or 'Canola ' it's other name ) growing in the distance
John(cardwellpix): Springtime Sunshine mornings..
John(cardwellpix): the Pink House on the Avenue
John(cardwellpix): ' anyone like some Cake.. ? '
John(cardwellpix): attempted 'Watercolour ' ..
John(cardwellpix): vivid, vibrant greens ..
John(cardwellpix): it's Springtime and ' the Boys ' are back in town ?
John(cardwellpix): - little dots in the distance
John(cardwellpix): a Newlands Corner view ..
John(cardwellpix): like ants.. *
John(cardwellpix): light watercolour-esque attempt..
John(cardwellpix): Spring foliage ..
John(cardwellpix): the quietness of Solitude ..
John(cardwellpix): STILL Showing : ' Spring 2017 England '
John(cardwellpix): ' Now Showing ' *
John(cardwellpix): Lotus Elise.. with beautiful views
John(cardwellpix): photographing the View ..
John(cardwellpix): Albury.. down in the valley below
John(cardwellpix): Motorbikers taking a break ..
John(cardwellpix): Blossom corner ..
John(cardwellpix): Some taking time out, some starting out, some coming back, returning
John(cardwellpix): Out of the saddle..
John(cardwellpix): the blossom on the ornamental Cherry tree
John(cardwellpix): pink Cherry blossom..
John(cardwellpix): Cherry tree blossom
John(cardwellpix): ' I can see something being with C '
John(cardwellpix): On a Sunny day ..
John(cardwellpix): Cotton wool blossoms-under a big beautiful blue Sky