John(cardwellpix): The 1940s .. It was all about the long pants... and the Haircut
John(cardwellpix): 1940s Fashion..Hat and Fur Stole..
John(cardwellpix): Just listen to that Swing Jazz.. ahh beautiful.. :D
John(cardwellpix): '40s Swing dancing ..! ( Hope it's not too exciting..!)
John(cardwellpix): Don't you just love the swirl of that dress...
John(cardwellpix): Dancing, '40s style..
John(cardwellpix): Hitting the floor..
John(cardwellpix): American Swing.. ~ Go Gal..!
John(cardwellpix): that Crazy American dance ..~ Swing..!
John(cardwellpix): '...Well I said to her... ' ~ ' did You ! ...What did she say ? ! '
John(cardwellpix): 1940s Fashion, and Hair ..
John(cardwellpix): 1940s fashion and Hair..
John(cardwellpix): Hairstyle and floral headwear
John(cardwellpix): '40s fashion and style...
John(cardwellpix): '40s Fashion & Style...
John(cardwellpix): Instructions.. How to ' Swing '
John(cardwellpix): '..and 1, 2, 3, 4... '
John(cardwellpix): How to ' Swing ' - dance.. '40s style..
John(cardwellpix): ' Swinging' at Brooklands ! :D
John(cardwellpix): Swing it ! ( 90 degree swing..! :D )
John(cardwellpix): Swing Dance..
John(cardwellpix): Pyjama trousers...!
John(cardwellpix): '40s 'Swing ' Fashion ..
John(cardwellpix): Three lovely Ladies..!
John(cardwellpix): I like these two..
John(cardwellpix): *Three Lovely Ladies.. ! *