John(cardwellpix): Low afternoon winter Sun ..
John(cardwellpix): St Saviours' from across the road
John(cardwellpix): St Saviours from across the road
John(cardwellpix): another view ...
John(cardwellpix): St Saviours Church ,...(it's something about the Steeple .. )
John(cardwellpix): How High ?
John(cardwellpix): St Saviours' Steeple ..
John(cardwellpix): AWQ disc motor... *
John(cardwellpix): Church Curves .. distort
John(cardwellpix): Steeple.. Church Ediface ..
John(cardwellpix): and the Afternoon Sun shone on the Alabaster of the Church ...
John(cardwellpix): Inspiring .. ?
John(cardwellpix): Look to the Heavens...