Schilling 2: Nina and John pre1994
Schilling 2: Henry Chapman Gibbon aged 86
Schilling 2: John Schilling Ned Kelly armour 2003
Schilling 2: Albert Schilling
Schilling 2: HAROLD SCHILLING AND HORSE 1950 something
Schilling 2: Adam Schilling aged 22
Schilling 2: Johanne Juliane Fliegert & Johanne Christian Schilling
Schilling 2: Johanne Julianne Fliegert
Schilling 2: john 2002
Schilling 2: HAROLD - POLISH CAR 1950's
Schilling 2: Johann Friedrich Kuchel in Perth
Schilling 2: Schilling trio "john Schilling"
Schilling 2: schilling family
Schilling 2: John Schilling
Schilling 2: Nina John back to back
Schilling 2: Nina john 2004
Schilling 2: Jan Schilling
Schilling 2: Robert and Janet
Schilling 2: Sarah as a baby
Schilling 2: baby Lauren on Dads shoulders 1998
Schilling 2: My friend Michell Burgess 1998
Schilling 2: lauren baby 1998
Schilling 2: Landscaping at Mums1998
Schilling 2: Baby Lauren landscaping at Mums 1998
Schilling 2: John Norton 1997?
Schilling 2: Sarah doing Laurens hair 1998
Schilling 2: building mums deck 1998
Schilling 2: Lauren in toy car very young 1997?
Schilling 2: My great grandparents Johann Friedrich Kuchel
Schilling 2: The kids