John Allgayer Keppler: Joao de barro
John Allgayer Keppler: Banco e Arvore
John Allgayer Keppler: Arvore perigosa
John Allgayer Keppler: Macro Flower
John Allgayer Keppler: Arvores submersas
John Allgayer Keppler: Ao melhor estilo cenário africano
John Allgayer Keppler: Domingo de chuva
John Allgayer Keppler: Vôo no domingo de sol
John Allgayer Keppler: Final de tarde Av.Beira rio
John Allgayer Keppler: Parque Germania
John Allgayer Keppler: Cores de Outono
John Allgayer Keppler: Costa & Silva Village
John Allgayer Keppler: End of World / Fim do mundo
John Allgayer Keppler: Tapete de nuvens
John Allgayer Keppler: First tiltshift (open photo to view better)
John Allgayer Keppler: Costa & Silva Palace Resort
John Allgayer Keppler: Winter in Torres beach / Inverno em Torres