John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 tina leaping at pepito in backyard.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 tina sheltering behind pepito.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 tina attcking pepito's face backyard.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 tina pepito tree standoff.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 rose of sharon ice branch.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 shed hole icicles.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 shed corner with trees.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 shed corner with trees and icicles.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 shed tree branches close.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 disc golf basket icicles.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 front porch rosemary.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 street japanese maple close.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 street japanese maple branches straight one.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 street japanese maple branch tip detail.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 street japanese maple branch tip detail tall.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 front bush icy wide.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 front yard street trees.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 east on utah.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 front of house.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 grass low angle.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 grass low angle vignette.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-16 4301 feeder with cardinal and sparrow.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-17 4301 holly berries close in ice.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-17 4301 front bush branches encrusted.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-17 4301 front bush branches with sunset.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-17 4301 eucalyptus ice sunset.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-17 4301 berries with sunset holly.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-17 4301 front trees with clouds.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-17 4301 holly berries with ice and sun.jpg
John Brassil:
12-5-17 4301 holly berries tall strip.jpg