John Brassil:
12-7-28 stuckey's sprecher lower row.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 stuckey's sprecher upper row.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 highway 50 white herd.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls entry trail cliff face.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls entry trail cliff face detail.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls upper falls with lisa.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls upper falls corner close.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls upper falls corner wide.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls upper falls lisa hiking.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls upper falls hole in the rock.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls upper falls fish pool.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls upper pond pano 1920.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls upper falls triangle ripple.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls upper falls log dorsal worm trails.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls upper falls gold ripple.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls upper falls diagonal log.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls upper falls dirt trails.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls spiral staircase descent.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls lower falls downstream tall.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls lower falls big rock.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls lower falls green water.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls lower falls limb reflections.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls lower falls fish nibblers.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 greeter falls lower falls full ride.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 laurel falls scenic view.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 stone door pancake mushroom with lisa hand.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 stone door pancake mushroom close.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 laurel falls pano 1920.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 stone door lisa with skyline.jpg
John Brassil:
12-7-28 stone door bare tree silhouette.jpg