John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell with coat wide.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell with coat close tall.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell keyboard player close with shirt.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell leaning back close-2.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell wingtips-2.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell keyboard pano.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell keyboard player barechested-2.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell contemplation-2.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell wide and bare-2.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell four fingers-2.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell storyteller wide-2.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell mic loop-2.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell mic loop wide-2.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell drummer close-2.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell side standout.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell side with crowd-2.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell corner wide-2.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell entrance wide-2.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell entrance with couple dancing-2.jpg
John Brassil:
11-5-1 basement jamie lidell entrance with trio in arms-2.jpg