johengen: "We are all God's beloved!"
johengen: Our service leaflet
johengen: Guests arriving outside St. Thomas'
johengen: The high altar and windows
johengen: St. Thomas' rose window
johengen: Jill Rubio plays the flute along with the choir
johengen: The choir rehearses prior to the ceremony
johengen: Brad gets his buttoneer
johengen: Carl gets his buttoneer
johengen: Gretchen Lane and Roja Singh
johengen: Bishops waiting for the service to start
johengen: Duane Prill at the organ
johengen: Bill Van Patten, harpist
johengen: Three supportive bishops!!
johengen: The bishops on their way to the procession
johengen: A full church!!
johengen: Listening to the prelude
johengen: Bill Van Patten, harpist
johengen: Bishop Singh...sings!
johengen: The procession enters the chancel
johengen: Bishops in the chancel of St. Thomas
johengen: A full church - wow!
johengen: The declaration of intent
johengen: Bishop Lane asks the congregation
johengen: Roxanne conducting the choir
johengen: Brad and Carl singing along with the choir
johengen: Congregants singing
johengen: Bishop Jack McKelvey preaches
johengen: Exchanging our vows
johengen: Exchanging our vows