Johannes Heine: On the way out of Namche Bazaar Becca tries to push boulders off the edge. #dwarfamongstgiants
Johannes Heine: The Sherpa Capital Namche Bazaar at 3440m
Johannes Heine: Crossing suspension bridges on the way to Everest Base Camp! #dwarfamongstgiants
Johannes Heine: Craziest airport ever! Built right into the mountain. No second attempts!
Johannes Heine: Magical Kathmandu
Johannes Heine: Aircon bliss
Johannes Heine: Saying Goodbye to Varanasi and India with a shot of a Burning Ghat, a site along the Ganges where Hindus burn the dead, before putting their ashes in the river.
Johannes Heine: Washing in the holy Ganges at dawn
Johannes Heine: Clouds circling in over Varanasi
Johannes Heine: Boats on the Ganges
Johannes Heine: The towers of Varanasi
Johannes Heine: Last photo from the Taj Mahal. Sad to leave this impressive wonder of white marble.
Johannes Heine: Taj Mahal: Perfection of Symmetry
Johannes Heine: Taj Teaser
Johannes Heine: Saying goodbye to Rishikesh at sunrise over Ganges river
Johannes Heine: Scenic Rishikesh
Johannes Heine: View from the bridge overlooking the Ganges and the mountains
Johannes Heine: Crossing the holy Ganges in Rishikesh
Johannes Heine: Religious rituals at sunset next to the Ganges and in full view of Lord Shiva.
Johannes Heine: The Yoga chariot
Johannes Heine: Cow contemplating its life overlooking the holy Ganges
Johannes Heine: Carrot monkey
Johannes Heine: Arriving in Rishikesh
Johannes Heine: Pretty window.
Johannes Heine: Last shot from the Lotus Temple. Amazing structure!
Johannes Heine: More lotus temple
Johannes Heine: Lotus flower shaped temple. Brilliant design!
Johannes Heine: Busy India
Johannes Heine: Mughal architecture