johapatro: 01_Garden of the Gods with Pikes Peak in the background
johapatro: 02_Garden of the Gods with Pikes Peak in the background 2
johapatro: 03_Garden of the Gods with Pikes Peak in the background 3 (polarized)
johapatro: 04_Flower Alongside Dakota Trail in Garden of the Gods
johapatro: 05_The Kissing Camels from Dakota Trail
johapatro: 06_The Kissing Camels from Dakota Trail 2
johapatro: 07_Tower of Babel approaching on Palmer Trail, Garden of the Gods
johapatro: 08_North Gateway Rock, Kissing Camels, Signature Rock approaching on Palmer Trail, Garden of the Gods
johapatro: 09_Tower of Babel from Palmer Trail, Garden of the Gods
johapatro: 10_Tower of Babel from Palmer Trail, Garden of the Gods
johapatro: 11_Tower of Babel from Palmer Trail, Garden of the Gods
johapatro: 12_Tower of Babel, Sentinel Rock, and Pulpit Rock (I think), looking South from Palmer Trail, Garden of the Gods
johapatro: 13_Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, with Cheyenne Mountain in the background
johapatro: 14_Garden of the Gods from Palmer Trail
johapatro: 15_Pikes Peak from Palmer Trail, Garden of the Gods
johapatro: 16_Pikes Peak from Palmer Trail, Garden of the Gods
johapatro: 17_Climb On! Pulpit Rock in Garden of the Gods
johapatro: 18_Closeup of Giant Footprints, Garden of the Gods on Palmer Trail
johapatro: 19_Near Giant Footprints, Garden of the Gods on Palmer Trail
johapatro: 20_Siamese Twins, Garden of the Gods
johapatro: 21_Garden of the Gods looking North from Scotsman Trail
johapatro: 22_Kindergarten Rock (younger Lyons sandstone) with Garden rock formations on left in background (Red Lyons sandstone), Garden of the Gods
johapatro: 23_Kindergarten Rock, Garden of the Gods