Johannes P Osterhoff: From boxes ...
Johannes P Osterhoff: ... to bricks
Johannes P Osterhoff: The wall is up.
Johannes P Osterhoff: Green wins!
Johannes P Osterhoff: But Red is Attacking
Johannes P Osterhoff: Red vs. Green
Johannes P Osterhoff: Player in Action
Johannes P Osterhoff: Good Lighting
Johannes P Osterhoff: Two Players
Johannes P Osterhoff: Almost down.
Johannes P Osterhoff: Tearing down the Firewall
Johannes P Osterhoff: Firewall with Ball
Johannes P Osterhoff: Glowing Earth Ball
Johannes P Osterhoff: Firewall Ball
Johannes P Osterhoff: Firewall Ball
Johannes P Osterhoff: Firewall Ball
Johannes P Osterhoff: Firewall Ball
Johannes P Osterhoff: Firewall Ball
Johannes P Osterhoff: Yay! Firewall Ball Shirts