Johanna California: Brown Pelicans from last winter exhibiting full breeding colors on the right and non-breeding adult on the left. -0375copy2.jpg
Johanna California: Great Horned Owl, Coyote Hills Regional Park. _MG_1564.jpg
Johanna California: _MG_1588.jpg
Johanna California: Lesser Goldfinch, of the green-black-backed mottled variety! -9624.jpg
Johanna California: Eleven new chicks today. Total in the yard = 26. California Quail. -9064.jpg
Johanna California: Our local backyard California Quail male, on guard. Five pairs hatched 15 chicks so far. -8624-Edit.jpg
Johanna California: Nuttall's Woodpecker, adult female right, feeding fledgling male on the left. -6803.jpg
Johanna California: untitled-6419.jpg
Johanna California: Giving the caterpillar a spin, male Bullock's Oriole, Palo Alto Baylands. 1/500th sec.
Johanna California: Showing the underside of the tail for ID purposes. -0435.jpg
Johanna California: Not sure. -0450.jpg
Johanna California: Bullock's Oriole, male, backlit and twiggy, as usual, before he goes in to the nest. _DSC9457.jpg
Johanna California: Bullock's Oriole, male, Palo Alto Baylands, California _DSC8480.jpg
Johanna California: for ID puposes only...looking for gnatcatchers, but it was pretty dark day_MG_8687.jpg
Johanna California: Red-tailed Hawk, resting on one leg after breakfast._DSC8139-Edit.jpg
Johanna California: Vole for brunch, I think it is.
Johanna California: Female Western Bluebird, on the warning gas pipeline post.
Johanna California: Steller's Jay, gathering nest grasses._MG_8623.jpg
Johanna California: A fledgling has emerged from that nest in the yard. What is it?
Johanna California: Black-crowned Night Heron from another angle. _7SC9393.jpg
Johanna California: The Spiky Hair Do. Snowy Egret, Palo Alto Baylands. _7SC9330.jpg
Johanna California: The LEAP into action, Snowy Egret, Palo Alto Baylands, San Francisco Bay Area._7SC9409.jpg
Johanna California: _7SC9740.jpg
Johanna California: _7SC9745.jpg
Johanna California: Black-crowned Night Heron. _7SC9362.jpg
Johanna California: Any insights? Do they recycle the nest material?
Johanna California: _DSC7512.jpg
Johanna California: WIND LINES. I think they block the wind for each other. _DSC6888.jpg
Johanna California: _DSC6861.jpg
Johanna California: _DSC6805.jpg