Johanna California:
Filter feeding. _MG_4143.jpg
Johanna California:
Immature Brown Pelican, Shoreline Lake, Mountain View, California. _MG_3991.jpg
Johanna California:
One of the older birds is showing us how this filter feeding stuff is really done! _MG_3924.jpg
Johanna California:
Great Egret, paused during preening. Backlit due to geography! _MG_3900.jpg
Johanna California:
American White Pelicans preening after the bath. _MG_3503.jpg
Johanna California:
American White Pelican bath time! _MG_3479.jpg
Johanna California:
American White Pelican, immature, banking and braking in preparation for landing. _MG_3358.jpg
Johanna California:
Brown Pelican, enjoying what we used to call krill. MG_2952.jpg
Johanna California:
Look what I got for lunch! Immature Brown Pelican, showing off lunch to me._MG_2922.jpg
Johanna California:
Immature Brown Pelican giving me a close look. _MG_2474.jpg
Johanna California:
Wood Duck, maybe is a female? Permanente Creek, Shoreline, Mountain View
Johanna California:
Wood Duck. _MG_1804.jpg
Johanna California:
Gray Fox pup sleeping in a track box. Phone photo by biologist Clayton Leal P190712_10.19.jpg
Johanna California:
Shoreline at Mountain View. _MG_0457.jpg
Johanna California:
Red-eared Slider, introduced. Large, about foot across, Permanente Creek, Mountain View, California _MG_0006.jpg
Johanna California:
Johanna California:
Chestnut-backed Chickadee with a seed from these pods -9530.jpg
Johanna California:
Our local version of Mourning Doves at Shoreline Mountain View, California. -9043.jpg
Johanna California:
Ground Squirrel in the Burrowing Owl Nesting Grounds, Shoreline at Mountain View, California. -8466.jpg
Johanna California:
Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) with a rodent catch. -8443.jpg
Johanna California:
The single taloned grip on the rodent. -8425.jpg
Johanna California:
Mowing to manage the grasses in the Burrowing Owl Nesting Area, Shoreline, Mountain View, California-8338.jpg
Johanna California:
The new male in the sand spit....let's just hope he doesn't get predated too. Leg bands Red 6 and Black 4. 7141.jpg
Johanna California:
RTH with squirrel capture from the Burrowing Owl mitigation area, flying to Google buildings.-7017.jpg
Johanna California:
Bewick's Wren, sunbathing, Shoreline Park, Mtn View _DSC9145.jpg
Johanna California:
Gray Fox at Shoreline taken with a phone by biologist Clayton Leal, April 25, 2012. _0002U.jpg
Johanna California:
Ring-billed gull, Larus delawarensis, showing red gape _MG_8136.jpg
Johanna California:
American Avocets, Recurvirostra americana, and Marbled Godwits, Limosa fedoa, settling for the evening._MG_8061.jpg
Johanna California:
White Pelicans Fishing. Charleston Slough, Mtn View, California_DSC3943.jpg
Johanna California:
Horned Grebe ( Podiceps auritus) in nonbreeding plumage. Shoreline Lake, Mtn View, California_DSC3698.jpg