Johanna California:
RTH missed the initial strike, then took a flying leap to catch the mantis. Apologies for the poor focus, but the content seemed worth posting anyway. _MG_3402-Edit.jpg
Johanna California:
Canvasback up from mud dabbling_MG_6640.jpg
Johanna California:
Long-billed Curlew in wing display. _DSC5981.jpg
Johanna California:
Clark's Grebe, naturally backlit, (Aechmophorus clarkii), Palo Alto Baylands, SF Bay Area, California. _DSC6595.jpg
Johanna California:
Black-necked Stilt in breeding color legs, Palo Alto Baylands, SF Bay Area, CAlifornia._DSC6465.jpg
Johanna California:
Worm breakfast for a Curlew at Palo Alto Baylands, SF Bay Area, California _DSC5974.jpg
Johanna California:
Curlew chasing the Willet off. I don't think the Willet got anything._DSC5982.jpg
Johanna California:
Long-billed Curlew ( Numenius americanus) in wing-flare display, after having chased a Willette off of his find of a tube worm._DSC6006.jpg
Johanna California:
Common Yellowthroat Warbler (Geothlypis trichas), Palo Alto Baylands, California. _DSC5667.jpg
Johanna California:
Johanna California:
Common Yellowthroat Warbler in bright light. _DSC5656.jpg
Johanna California:
Palo Alto duck pond, the great dumping pool of local reject pets or meat production escapees. . _MG_4955.jpg
Johanna California:
Some sort of goose, Palo Alto Baylands. You see some pretty odd birds there. _MG_4938.jpg
Johanna California:
Long-billed Curlew (Numenius americanus, uncommon) Palo Alto Baylands, San Francisco Bay Area, California._MG_5236.jpg
Johanna California:
Green-winged teal (Anas crecca carolinenesis)_MG_5215.jpg
Johanna California:
White-tailed Kite, Palo Alto Baylands, San Francisco Bay Area.
Johanna California:
Willow Flycatcher, Palo Alto Baylands, California. _MG_3638-Edit.jpg
Johanna California:
Chestnut-backed Chickadee, in the fennel, Palo Alto Baylands. _DSC1206.jpg
Johanna California:
Bushtit with the light eye. I read that it is only the female that has the light eye._DSC1319.jpg
Johanna California:
Yellow Warbler in the fennel at Palo Alto Baylands, California _DSC1310.jpg
Johanna California:
Butterfly sat still for a moment today, which was nice. Palo Alto Baylands, California. _DSC1300.jpg
Johanna California:
Common Yellow-throat Warbler, female. Palo Alto Baylands, California. _MG_2549.jpg
Johanna California:
Marsh Wren, fall, Palo Alto Baylands._MG_2537.jpg
Johanna California:
Johanna California:
Clapper Rail, adult, Palo Alto Baylands_MG_1870.jpg
Johanna California:
Johanna California:
Clapper Rail, Palo Alto, adult._MG_1789.jpg
Johanna California:
Clapper Rail. Palo Alto Baylands, Palo Alto, California _MG_1719.jpg
Johanna California:
California Clapper Rail, washing off the catch_MG_1720.jpg
Johanna California:
Juvenile California Clapper Rail, endangered, Palo Alto Baylands, California_MG_1700.jpg