Johanna California:
Reworked the California Thrasher. Backyard set. _MG_1238-Edit.jpg
Johanna California:
Song Sparrow from archives. I'm trying out the vignetting sliders in LR3. _7SC5442.jpg
Johanna California:
Yard birds continued, with House Finch of the reddish coloring._DSC4690-Edit.jpg
Johanna California:
California Thrasher, male, in courtship walk _7SC5740.jpg
Johanna California:
California Thrasher, female, in courtship mode, is watching a male do his "rooster walk" in little circles in front of her._7SC5730.jpg
Johanna California:
Oak Titmouse, crest up, waiting to get on the feeder, for about the 1,000th time today._7SC5681.jpg
Johanna California:
Cooper's Hawk keeping a talon warm, but ready.
Johanna California:
Townsend's Warbler, Dendroica townsendi, in the plum blossoms._MG_4714.jpg
Johanna California:
Anna's Hummingbird, using the lower flower as a perch_7SC5240.jpg
Johanna California:
Yellow-rumped Warbler, with pollen sap on the "lores"_DSC4662.jpg
Johanna California:
Yellow-rumped Warbler, sipping from plum blossoms_MG_4456.jpg
Johanna California:
California Quail. _DSC3991.jpg
Johanna California:
California Quail, colorful male on the lookout_DSC4005.jpg
Johanna California:
California Thrasher, after the bath. _DSC3610.jpg
Johanna California:
Western Scrub Jay, collecting olives from the late-drop tree, in the garden. _DSC3658.jpg
Johanna California:
California Thrasher, in our garden, San Francisco Bay Area. _MG_1238.jpg
Johanna California:
California Thrasher _MG_9250.jpg
Johanna California:
California Quail (local, wild), male, standing watch on the garden wall. Watching for Cooper's Hawk!
Johanna California:
Anna's Humming bird, male. ISO 800, 1/8000th sec. _7SC0144.jpg
Johanna California:
The green side is good too on Anna's Hummingbirds. _7SC0148.jpg
Johanna California:
Anna's Hummingbird, Male _7SC0149.jpg
Johanna California:
Anna's Hummingbird, female. _7SC0136.jpg
Johanna California:
Anna's Hummingbird, female. In the garden.
Johanna California:
ISO 2000. Dark and rainy. This is noisy, but not too bad considering the ISO. DSC_4407.jpg
Johanna California:
No, it isn't a sharp shot. Costa's Hummingbird. Correct? Look at that purple gorget! San Francisco Bay Area, California DSC_2498.jpg Oh, he is Anna's. Agree w Vistavia
Johanna California:
Not sure, think Anna's Hummingbird, SF Bay Area foothills, California
Johanna California:
Male Anna's Hummingbird, in the garden, giving the lens a close look.. SF Bay Area foothills, in the garden.
Johanna California:
The bees are back this year! Does anyone have tips on how to take bee photos?
Johanna California:
Young Anna's hummingbird, guarding the flowers.
Johanna California:
Young quail enjoying a grit bath, while trying to keep up an eye about those annoying clicking noises coming from that very ugly blind over there.