Johanna California:
Loggerhead Shrike, Lanius ludovicianus. Coyote Hills Regional Park, Fremont, California _7SC2022.jpg
Johanna California:
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Dendroica coronata, "Myrtle Warbler", don't know if female or Fall male. _MG_8799.jpg
Johanna California:
American Kestrel, Falco sparverius, our smallest American falcon. Eating a vole here. _MG_8889.jpg
Johanna California:
White-tailed Kite, Elanus leucurus, adult, with talons displayed downwards. _MG_8820.jpg
Johanna California:
Another view of the feral cat at Coyote Hills. Yes, I had the TC on and cut off the tail and feet :-(
Johanna California:
I was looking for a Rock Wren and found a wren climbing rocks, but I'm pretty sure is Bewick's Wren! _7SC1260.jpg
Johanna California:
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, preparing a tail flair at the lens, which he (or she?) does in the next frame. _7SC1357.jpg
Johanna California:
And, there is the tail flair, blurry even at 1/2000th second. That's fast. _7SC1358.jpg
Johanna California:
Coyote Hills Nature Preserve, Alameda County, California. Feral Cat, out hunting.
Johanna California:
Great-horned Owl, Bubo virginians, California. _7SC0983.jpg
Johanna California:
Bushtits, thinking about a bath, but it is a little deep for them. Psaltriparus minimus _7SC0952.jpg
Johanna California:
Black Phoebe building a nest, but shutter speed at 1/250thsec, so is sharper shot, but darker too. _7SC0870.jpg
Johanna California:
See the wet mud on the wall? She is ready too. Isn't this the wrong half of the year? The ledge is infintesimal. Black Phoebe_Sayornis nigricans 7SC0860.jpg
Johanna California:
Finding the nesting material glue that sticks! Success. Sayornis nigricans_7SC0852.jpg
Johanna California:
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, looking fuzzy, but indeed blue-gray DSC_4948.jpg
Johanna California:
Northern Harrier, male. Looking a little owl-like.
Johanna California:
Red-tailed Hawk, Coyote Hills, Fremont California_7SC0291.jpg
Johanna California:
Hermit Warbler, Dendroica occidentalis. Slightly sharper, but in dappled light.
Johanna California:
A first for me, an immature or female Hermit Warbler, Dendroica occidentalis. _7SC0504.jpg
Johanna California:
Crop of the previous RTH with snake. DSC_4166.jpg
Johanna California:
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, making sparks in the bath! DSC_4023.jpg
Johanna California:
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, after the bath, showing the crown. Regulus calendula DSC_4037.jpg
Johanna California:
Red-tailed Hawk, unzipping the snake. DSC_4164.jpg
Johanna California:
RTH getting a better grip on the snake DSC_4166.jpg
Johanna California:
Same bird in the deep shade, turns out to be a hybrid too. DSC_2190.jpg
Johanna California:
Red-breasted nuthatch, right side up. DSC_3490.jpg
Johanna California:
Townsend's Warbler, checking the pine cones for yummy bugs.DSC_3617.jpg
Johanna California:
Lincoln Sparrow, fluffing up for the bath. DSC_3291.jpg
Johanna California:
Red-breasted Nuthatch, Coyote Hills, Fremont, California DSC_3494.jpg
Johanna California:
Townsend's Warbler, Coyote Hills, Fremont, California DSC_3614.jpg