Johanna California: Cedar Waxwing, Bombycilla cedrorum, without red wing tips. Maybe young adult.
Johanna California: The birds, Starling here, prefer the green "berries" of the Chinese Pistache. _7SC9549.jpg
Johanna California: American Robin, Turdus migratorius. Thrush family. Downtown Los Altos, California
Johanna California: Yellow-rrumped Warblers were out in force on the Chinese pistaches._7SC0085.jpg
Johanna California: There were lots of Western Bluebirds, downtown Los Altos, California, across from the Safeway, in the parking lots. _7SC9640.jpg
Johanna California: Oak Titmouse with a GREEN Chinese Pistache "berry"_7SC0067.jpg
Johanna California: Cedar wax wings. The green "berries" are the best. _7SC9990.jpg
Johanna California: Again, the green pistaches are the best.
Johanna California: Yellow-rumped warbler. Green is best. _7SC9958.jpg
Johanna California: Western Bluebird._7SC9526.jpg
Johanna California: Looking for the GREEN one. Oak Titmouse in RED pistaches._7SC0050.jpg
Johanna California: Leaping for the GREEN ONE. Oak Titmouse in red pistaches. _7SC0054.jpg
Johanna California: Enjoying the GREEN ONE. Oak Titmouse in red pistaches. _7SC0058.jpg
Johanna California: There were Cedar Waxwings too, who were so full they were mostly sitting and grooming, or looking back at me. _7SC9528.jpg
Johanna California: Western Bluebird. Los Altos, California _7SC9247.jpg
Johanna California: Western Bluebird, in parking lot near the Chinese Pistaches. Los Altos, California _7SC9245.jpg