Johanna California:
Green-winged Teal. Radio road, Redwood Shores, California DSC_3919.jpg
Johanna California:
Green-winged teal
Johanna California:
Green-winged teal
Johanna California:
Green-winged Teal. Finding something good to eat (amaranth?) DSC_3703.jpg
Johanna California:
Cinnamon Teal, Anas cyanoptera, Radio Road, Redwood City, California DSC_3965.jpg
Johanna California:
9273 Another Gadwall
Johanna California:
Eurasian Wigeon, down front and center. DSC_3890.jpg
Johanna California:
9082 Greater Scaup
Johanna California:
9080 Surf Scoter
Johanna California:
9054 Common goldeneye
Johanna California:
9061 Common goldeneye
Johanna California:
9081 Barrow's goldeneye
Johanna California:
9097 Pied-billed grebe
Johanna California:
Green-winged teal, Anas crecca, male right and female in back. _DSC6311.jpg
Johanna California:
Green-winged Teal, Anas crecca, male. Woke up long enough to give me a look. _DSC6327.jpg
Johanna California:
Northern Pintail, Anas acuta, male up front, female in back. _DSC6450.jpg
Johanna California:
Northern Shoveler, male. _DSC6424.jpg
Johanna California:
Northern Shoveler, female, demonstrating her camouflage strategy_DSC6350.jpg
Johanna California:
American Wigeon, again. _DSC6128.jpg
Johanna California:
Ring-necked Duck, male, Aythya collaris _DSC6136.jpg
Johanna California:
Hooded Merganser, male, Lophodytes cucullatus.
Johanna California:
Hooded Merganser, Lophodytes cucullatus, female, with a fishy snack!
Johanna California:
Wigeon, probably American, in eclipse plumage, or immature?
Johanna California:
American Wigeon, Anas americana, Mayfield Slough, Palo Alto, California _DSC5787.jpg
Johanna California:
Gadwall again, a little more typical of the moment. Probably I am seeing age and maybe gender differences.
Johanna California:
Gadwall with interesting deep rose color on the back of head and neck.
Johanna California:
Gadwall, Shoreline, from the Mayfield Slough platform.
Johanna California:
Gadwall, large crop, with the new Canon 7D and 400mm f5.6 lens