Johann Fredrik Nery: A photo of us
Johann Fredrik Nery: My gorgeous date
Johann Fredrik Nery: My gorgeous date
Johann Fredrik Nery: Barbaras, the reception place
Johann Fredrik Nery: Another take of the first dance
Johann Fredrik Nery: The first dance
Johann Fredrik Nery: The entourage
Johann Fredrik Nery: playing around
Johann Fredrik Nery: The newly weds
Johann Fredrik Nery: Chucky, the best man
Johann Fredrik Nery: Singing the Kalesa
Johann Fredrik Nery: The piansit
Johann Fredrik Nery: Nicco singing for the newly weds
Johann Fredrik Nery: Slicing of the cake
Johann Fredrik Nery: Another kiss
Johann Fredrik Nery: the bouquet
Johann Fredrik Nery: Centerpiece
Johann Fredrik Nery: Ang mga kalapati
Johann Fredrik Nery: On the way to reception
Johann Fredrik Nery: Photo of someone taking photos
Johann Fredrik Nery: The first kiss
Johann Fredrik Nery: Tito Reggie praying
Johann Fredrik Nery: The parents, primary sponsors and entourage