johanfoster: Middle of fall
johanfoster: Fall in the country
johanfoster: Reflections of fall
johanfoster: A road in the cloud
johanfoster: Bridge in HDR
johanfoster: A train bridge in the park
johanfoster: Fantastic colours in Little Pine
johanfoster: Shadow and light on the fall colours
johanfoster: Little Pine Park in many colours
johanfoster: Little Pine Creek Lake in HDR
johanfoster: Many beads of water
johanfoster: Little Pine Creek Lake from the dam
johanfoster: Beading on a leaf
johanfoster: Fall at Little Pine Creek Lake
johanfoster: Beads on a leaf
johanfoster: Little Pine Creek Lake... Dam
johanfoster: Little Pine Creek Lake
johanfoster: A fall in Little Pine Park
johanfoster: Berry good
johanfoster: Fall in Little Pine Park
johanfoster: So many yellows and oranges
johanfoster: Sun coming through the fall
johanfoster: Changing colors
johanfoster: Fall colors in HDR
johanfoster: Sunset in HDR
johanfoster: Travelling to State Collge
johanfoster: Fall colours in Little Pine
johanfoster: Spanning the gap
johanfoster: A hike in Little Pine Park
johanfoster: Little Pine Park eh...