Johan G: My glider replacement, a.k.a. the "Wedgie"
Johan G: yomamo behind the stick
Johan G: Forming up on the left flank
Johan G: Finally landed
Johan G: Cockpit shot between two F-14 fighters
Johan G: Two Tomcats
Johan G: Intercepting a Tomcat
Johan G: Check six II
Johan G: Something I am currently working on
Johan G: Check six
Johan G: Bear from aside
Johan G: Bear from slightly behind
Johan G: Wing67's Phantom
Johan G: Somewhere over Bay of Biscay
Johan G: OpenRadar area denial problem
Johan G: Close in screenshot of BRT0056's Su-37
Johan G: Getting closer to BRT0056's Su-37
Johan G: Intercepting BRT0056's Su-37
Johan G: Four drogues to chose from
Johan G: Missed it, barely
Johan G: Almost there
Johan G: Belly of a Victor tanker
Johan G: Approaching the tanker
Johan G: Getting there...
Johan G: Yay!
Johan G: Catching up with KAGN-IT
Johan G: Getting in a bit closer
Johan G: Interception somewhere over Sweden
Johan G: Touch and go
Johan G: Downwind