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Eilidh by Jo Gordon
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Jo Gordon
And then there were 3. Eilidh Jacqueline arrived today at 16.49. Wheighing in at 8lb 6oz. #photo1000 #newarrival #longlabourbutworthit
Jo Gordon
My New Year's Day
Jo Gordon
My work
Jo Gordon
One Calendar month
Jo Gordon
First time out in a sling results in sleeping baby!
Jo Gordon
Sofa sitting
Jo Gordon
Power to the nappy fillers!
Jo Gordon
Meeting the family
Jo Gordon
The last chocolate digestive
Jo Gordon
Trying to eat my toes
Jo Gordon
New slippers
Jo Gordon
Sleepy baba
Jo Gordon
Asleep on my front
Jo Gordon
Flat hair
Jo Gordon
Rocking the penguin hat.
Jo Gordon
Silly faces
Jo Gordon
Hello Puss Cat
Jo Gordon
Sums up my day today
Jo Gordon
House of lurgy
Jo Gordon
Internal clock still out of whack
Jo Gordon
Jo Gordon
Sleeping baba. Finally!
Jo Gordon
Not giving my apple up
Jo Gordon
Clever Girl
Jo Gordon
Sleepy cuddles
Jo Gordon
Where's Rhowen gone?
Jo Gordon
Wearing Granny's boots
Jo Gordon
Starting to help
Jo Gordon
Left her for 2 seconds!!
Jo Gordon
Cool dude
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