joh3: "Acceptable in the 80s"...
joh3: "There... I fixed it!"
joh3: End of the Line
joh3: Not as old as it first appears
joh3: Not many of these about...
joh3: 1953 Vauxhall Utility
joh3: A Sprightly Fiat
joh3: Been there for decades
joh3: One of New Zealand's oldest daily drivers
joh3: There is a 1976 Ford Capri Mk2 3000V6 beneath the surface
joh3: The Chrysler Chrysler
joh3: A Q-Hearse
joh3: Direct rivals in 1959
joh3: 1982 Ford Capri 2.0
joh3: Do not judge books by their covers...
joh3: The Red Light Special
joh3: 1971 Volkswagen Beetle
joh3: An Expat Aussie
joh3: Variations on a theme
joh3: Inner Suburban Sydney - July 1983
joh3: Enjoy them while they last!
joh3: A Mini with a little bit extra space
joh3: Montego on the bay
joh3: A Family Wedding - January 1975
joh3: Just before the Sydney Harbour Bridge - July 1983
joh3: On a Sydney Street - July 1983
joh3: Direct rivals in 1980
joh3: A left-hook Mazda
joh3: This is not what it first appears.
joh3: My 2005 Mitsubishi 380