Michael W. May: a friendly neighbour
Michael W. May: turkey vulture soaring
Michael W. May: cloe in b&w
Michael W. May: what did you say to me?
Michael W. May: check out my slobber
Michael W. May: boxer in b&w
Michael W. May: cloe on the dock
Michael W. May: dog ears and dock
Michael W. May: mourning dove in flight
Michael W. May: a bird for x
Michael W. May: huge ant b&w
Michael W. May: huge ant
Michael W. May: yellow jacket says, "are you lookin' at me?"
Michael W. May: yellow jacket is tired of pacing and takes a rest
Michael W. May: the reality within the fantasy
Michael W. May: just a fly on the leaf
Michael W. May: bug for John
Michael W. May: spider
Michael W. May: morning mourning dove
Michael W. May: red robin
Michael W. May: grasshopper
Michael W. May: more doves
Michael W. May: birds beyond the wires
Michael W. May: squirrel!
Michael W. May: winter graze
Michael W. May: solitary