Jofabi: Last view on the Oosterschelde
Jofabi: I love what #hetboerengenieten has done with these two boys
Jofabi: Following Blackie's footsteps
Jofabi: Doing funny things to say goodbye to a wonderful home
Jofabi: Last time watching the sun go down on the farmland with #sweetpiet, #apeknapie, #tarateetje and @mahieu
Jofabi: To new beginnings
Jofabi: I'll miss all the new friends we've made in the nine months living here, animal and human.
Jofabi: I'll miss our cute cuddly friend 88842
Jofabi: I'll miss the sweet #sheepofnoordbeveland I've met while living here
Jofabi: I'll miss the aquamarine of the water, the song of birds and the silence
Jofabi: I'll miss getting my feet dirty while searching for oysters and mussels
Jofabi: I'll miss the wind that cleans my head
Jofabi: Summery plumes on our last walk to the shore of Oosterschelde
Jofabi: The same routine every weekend morning
Jofabi: Hidden...
Jofabi: What a precious find on the path
Jofabi: A seal safari was on my bucketlist
Jofabi: This view never tires me
Jofabi: Hello sweet faces!
Jofabi: So many periwinckles...
Jofabi: "Thank you for bringing me breakfast Tara."
Jofabi: Auch!
Jofabi: A discovery of the orchard...
Jofabi: Out and about
Jofabi: Time for beer
Jofabi: Almost home
Jofabi: Lovely flowers decorating the shores of Oosterschelde
Jofabi: "B" of Beveland
Jofabi: A beautiful place to be
Jofabi: Dijkpaal 1768