Joey Myers: Ziggy played Guitar...and Stardust Bugles too
Joey Myers: The Ledge does his best to not block my "Horror of Party Beach" One Sheet as I try to photograph it...
Joey Myers: Me & The Legendary Stardust Cowboy Hollywood '87
Joey Myers: Don't Mess With The Legendary Stardust Cowboy!!
Joey Myers: The Legendary Stardust Cowboy wall at Monster A Go-Go
Joey Myers: The Legendary Stardust Cowboy on Laugh~In...
Joey Myers: A sticker from the 1987 Frozen Underwear Tour...This was also screened on the T~Shirts.
Joey Myers: The Ledge looking Pretty (Psychotic) in Pink!!
Joey Myers: Some Legendary Stardust Cowboy 45s
Joey Myers: By Proclamation of the Mayor of Mankato Minnesota...
Joey Myers: The Legendary Stardust Cowboy and Myself in Toronto Dec. '89...or was it '90?
Joey Myers: Newest Legendary Stardust Cowboy Promo Pic...
Joey Myers: He sprouted in Texas sometime ago...
Joey Myers: And he turned into the man y'all know...
Joey Myers: Ledgendary Stardust Cowboy handbills...
Joey Myers: TOKYO~ an LSD Cowboy cd cover...
Joey Myers: Paralyzed!! The Legendary Stardust Cowboy ...
Joey Myers: A return visit to the Legendary Stardust Cowboy wall at Monster-A-Go-Go
Joey Myers: Ledge debuted his new guitar that night...
Joey Myers: Legendary Stardust Cowboy 1968 Mercury Records Promo Still !
Joey Myers: Ledge's retired Fender Acoustic and some European Show Posters
Joey Myers: Barn Dance in your Fancy Pants with the Ledge!!
Joey Myers: Psycho-Suave label pressing of PARALYZED !!!
Joey Myers: The Legendary Stardust Cowboy Fan Club Card
Joey Myers: Don't say you haven't been warned!!!
Joey Myers: Ledge peepin' thru the center of the Launchers' Space Cowboy
Joey Myers: The Legendary Stardust Cowboy inadvertently saves the World
Joey Myers: Ledge saves the World (conclusion)
Joey Myers: The Sonics...