Joey Myers: Whatever she's selling~I'm buying it !!
Joey Myers: Aurora Coolness
Joey Myers: The Vampire Model kit...
Joey Myers: Monster Scenes Dealer Brochure
Joey Myers: Aurora Monsters
Joey Myers: Aurora Monster Instructions
Joey Myers: Aurora " What If " instructions
Joey Myers: 2 versions of the Hunchback box...
Joey Myers: Monster Scenes Instructions
Joey Myers: Assorted Monster Model Accessories
Joey Myers: Aurora Coolness
Joey Myers: Aurora Customizing Kits & the Guillotine
Joey Myers: Aurora 1965 Munsters Model Kit
Joey Myers: Aurora Model kits Godzilla & King Kong
Joey Myers: The British box of MONSTER COLOURS...
Joey Myers: Monster Scenes !!
Joey Myers: More Monster Scenes...
Joey Myers: Aurora ads from Comic books
Joey Myers: Comic book ad for the "Lost in Space" model kit
Joey Myers: Aurora Addams Family Haunted House (Complete with Ghosts)
Joey Myers: Aurora Movie Monsters ad from a 1970 DC House of Mystery...
Joey Myers: Aurora Dracula with some help from the customizing kits
Joey Myers: 1962 Aurora "MAKE A MONSTER"ad...
Joey Myers: Aurora and Famous Monsters of Filmland Present....~
Joey Myers: Aurora 1972 Witch Model kit
Joey Myers: Aurora 1969 King Kong Model kit
Joey Myers: Phantom of What Opera ?
Joey Myers: This was the Beginning of the End for Aurora
Joey Myers: Aurora Dr. Jekyll as Mr.Hyde kits
Joey Myers: WolfMen...