Joey Myers: Counter display box for the 70s GLO-MONSTERS
Joey Myers: Shrieker the Glo-Monster
Joey Myers: Terror the Glo-Monster
Joey Myers: The FIEND...
Joey Myers: The Green Ghoul Model Kit box and a bootleg blowmold Green Ghoul
Joey Myers: Lindberg MONSTERS!! Model kits from the Sixties...
Joey Myers: Lindy Loony Scuttle Bucket
Joey Myers: 1970s Glow issue and new names...
Joey Myers: Lindy Loony Big Wheeler...
Joey Myers: Dirty Devil Ridin' Satan's Crate!!
Joey Myers: REPULSIVES! The name that rings true.
Joey Myers: If there is a more obscure, lost and forgotten bunch of '60s bizarro Monster models...
Joey Myers: A finer collection of Lindberg Monsters I have yet to see...
Joey Myers: Lindy Loonys
Joey Myers: Lindberg Repulsives & Loonys
Joey Myers: Cool 1960s Hot Rod Monsters
Joey Myers: Lindberg Monsters...
Joey Myers: The Creeping Crusher
Joey Myers: The Green Ghoul
Joey Myers: The Krimson Terror
Joey Myers: The Mad Mangler
Joey Myers: Lindberg Monster Boxes...
Joey Myers: Lindberg Monster Boxes...
Joey Myers: Dedicated to Paul Lindberg
Joey Myers: Satan's Crate
Joey Myers: The Thing Glo-Monster
Joey Myers: 1965 Lindberg Mad Maestro Motorized Model
Joey Myers: Lindberg Flying Saucer model kit with great box art by Ray Gaedke