Joey Myers:
You is a RAT FINK !!
Joey Myers:
Who came first the Roth or the Mouse ?
Joey Myers:
Autographed by Big Daddy his Bad Self!!
Joey Myers:
I will never get bored with the FINKS.
Joey Myers:
Rat Fink Mania !!
Joey Myers:
Scuzfink Rules !
Joey Myers:
Rat Finks on display
Joey Myers:
More "Big Daddy" Roth Finks
Joey Myers:
Ed Roth Model boxes
Joey Myers:
Joey Myers:
Ed Roth decals
Joey Myers:
60s Stickers given out by the Hobby Stores
Joey Myers:
Chrome,Smoke & Fire~flipside
Joey Myers:
Robert Williams' Chrome,Smoke & Fire
Joey Myers:
I am a member in good slouching...
Joey Myers:
That's Mr. Rat Fink to You !
Joey Myers:
Dedication at the front of Big Daddy's Monster Coloring Book
Joey Myers:
Now You Too Is a Rat Fink !!
Joey Myers:
Go Scratch!!
Joey Myers:
Joey Myers:
I got a wazoo full of Rat Fink Tees...
Joey Myers:
Look! It's the flying VonDutchman's EYEBALL!
Joey Myers:
This Writer had a knack for statin' the OBVIOUS!!
Joey Myers:
Too bad more of his work on canvas hasn't turned up.
Joey Myers:
Feb.1956 DIG Magazine VonDutch feature
Joey Myers:
"Man if I had an energy drink I can clean up the pad for this photo shoot"
Joey Myers:
Motorized freakin' ROLLER SKATES!!
Joey Myers:
Martian Finks are invading !!
Joey Myers:
Weird-Ohs and a Nutty Mad
Joey Myers:
More Weird-Ohs !