yojolene: my girls.
yojolene: joyuan
yojolene: dustin bill$
yojolene: anthony
yojolene: Good Relations
yojolene: Quite
yojolene: Best Fwends
yojolene: dave, baxter, and the wall
yojolene: Best Fwends
yojolene: Shoot the Freak
yojolene: Ignore focus issue, pay attention to rock & roll
yojolene: WINNER.
yojolene: Hektor taste good
yojolene: drag
yojolene: uncool niece
yojolene: Grime
yojolene: Total Abuse
yojolene: Deacon Dance
yojolene: Glare
yojolene: R O R Y.
yojolene: Lil Jesse 4 Realz
yojolene: George
yojolene: Lights
yojolene: Lights
yojolene: Brooke
yojolene: Brooke
yojolene: Fail
yojolene: Roasted
yojolene: He really is.