Could not resist buying patchwork books from Kinokuniya bookstore cos of sale. #patchwork #patchworkbook #matsuurakanae #quilting #quiltingblock
My new patchwork book. Wish I can get her beautiful fabric sooon. #atsukomatsuyama #patchworkbook #patchwork #quilting
Determine to learn serious patchwork from the beginning. Wish me luck. #patchwork #patchworkbook
Thanks to @zakkaart for this recommendation for japanese handsewing. Will browse through soon. Meanwhile, im using this to refer for the #handsewpatchwork sew-a-long. #patchworkbook #patchwork
Hopefully I can start making these amigurumi dolls. Never make before but I love to try new crafts. #amigurumi #book #crochet
To show that I'm serious in learning. Hope this book is useful for my swap. #quilting #book
My new Patchwork tsushin no 182 arrived from Japan. Cant want to read. Thanks @ayumills #patchworkbook #patchworktsushin
Found these at the library. Maybe a project or two? Wonder if I could find her fabrics in shops #suzukokoseki #patchwork #patchworkbook #quilting #handsew
Interesting sewing books from the library. #sewing #sewingbooks #stitching
Kids crafting books for the school holidays. The rhs book looks interesting of tape crafts. Hope to get some inspirations. #kidsgames #kidscraft #schoolholidays #books #washitapes
Patchwork books added to my collection. Bought these over from another crafter. I picked these amongst her 300 books and magazines. Super ♡♥♡. #sewing #handmade #patchworkbook #logcabins #suzukokoseki #patchwork #squares #orinuno #kumikofujita
My new patchwork book addition from Kinokuniya. #sewing #sewingbooks #patchworkbook #suzukokoseki
Another interesting books especially the Tessellation Quilts which I have no idea what's are those. Any explanation from experts here? #books #sewingbooks #quilting #patchwork #tessellation #quiltingbooks #sewing
It doesn't have to be complicated when it comes to patchwork. Squares are fun to play with too. Interesting book I found in the library. #sewing #sewingbooks #quilting #patchwork #squares #patchworkbook
Best Christmas gifts I bought that arrived on the Eve. Now im not sure which to begin as all so yummy. Cant wait to see @beelori1 next book. #quiltingbooks #quiltyfun #patchwork #patchworkbook #quilting
Woohoo ! Just received my copy of the 318 patchwork pattern book by Kumiko Fujita. Recently translated to English. I heard the Japanese version was selling like hot cakes and even OOP. Going to select some designs here and handsew. #kumikofujita #patchwo
What a cool sewing book I found in the library for kids. #sewing #sewingbooks #kidscraft #nlb
How can I not remember to buy baking books to add to my collection? These are also from the warehouse sale. #baking #bakingbooks
Bought these quilting books at sg bookdeals warehouse sale. Worth buying but unfortunately many were snapped up yesterday. #quilting #quiltingbooks
Some cross stitch books too. #crossstitch #crossstitchbooks
Mix media books. I don't know that Julie Nuttings wrote a book till I packed the books at home. Hopefully someday I can try mix media. #scrapbook #mixmediaart #mixmediabook #julienutting #kellyraerobertscollection
Lastly , some non quilting books. Interesting craft books that I want to have in my bookshelf. #crochetbook
Can't wait to find time to make these cute little bags with my fabric stash. #komihinata #sewingbooks #bags
I am in buying books n magazine spree over the weekend. This was my cross stitch magazine that I bought at Kinokuniya sale. I will like to sew the Tatty Teddy in my next project. #tattyteddy #crossstitch #sewing #handsew
New Sutekini Handmade magazine issue 11 is out. I will be busy with the SAL soon. Excited!! Thanks hubby for buying for me tonight. #sutekinihandmade #すてきにハンドメイド
My latest japanese magazines purchase at Kinokuniya yesterday. There is a handsew patchwork sew a long on the right hand side magazine - Sutekini Handmade. I wonder if I can managed appliqué sewing. Hmmm... I am swamped with the left hand side magazine