Joe Wilcox: Microsoft Store Four
Joe Wilcox: iPhone 4 Queue
Joe Wilcox: Patiently Waiting
Joe Wilcox: Pump It Up
Joe Wilcox: Ginormous iPhone 4 Line
Joe Wilcox: iPhone 4's Unluckiest
Joe Wilcox: Microsoft Store Four Line
Joe Wilcox: What Are They Waiting For?
Joe Wilcox: More Mature Buyers
Joe Wilcox: Give It Away Now
Joe Wilcox: Waiting for a Chance to Pay
Joe Wilcox: Microsoft Store Four Crowd
Joe Wilcox: Apple Store Crowd
Joe Wilcox: Camp Out at Microsoft Store
Joe Wilcox: iPhone 4 Buyers of Fashion Valley
Joe Wilcox: Free Microsoft T-Shirt for Everyone