joetsm: sometimes we should lean on others!
joetsm: up skirt nudi
joetsm: smily face nudi
joetsm: liberty wreck
joetsm: liberty wreck
joetsm: liberty wreck
joetsm: seraya resident harlequin shirmp
joetsm: seraya resident squat lobster
joetsm: seraya resident ghost pipe fish
joetsm: seraya resident tiger shrimp
joetsm: pygmy seahorse on 100mm macro with aquatica+10 diopter
joetsm: razor fish close up
joetsm: boxer crab hiding
joetsm: shimp goby partners
joetsm: mantis shrimp
joetsm: juvenile lionfish
joetsm: candy crab
joetsm: harlequin
joetsm: leaf fish
joetsm: urchin shrimp
joetsm: donut nudi
joetsm: donut nudi
joetsm: 3~4mm size sea slug on 100mm lens with aquatica +10 diopter
joetsm: 3~4mm size sea slug on 100mm lens with aquatica +10 diopter
joetsm: uss liberty wreck
joetsm: uss liberty wreck
joetsm: uss liberty wreck
joetsm: ghostpipe
joetsm: ghostpipe